Drag and Put researches & UI Challenge [3]

Drag and Put researches Image Upload Retrieved from: https://dribbble.com/shots/8297994-ikas-Dashboard-Image-Upload-Animation This is a UI interface with experiencing drag and put. In the beginning, users choose the image from elsewhere with hand-holding which means mouse clicking the image. Then, users need to drop their images to this place where there's an icon animation and the "Drop your image here or browse" title as well. After users complete the drop image, it will show the uploading animation. The overall design is smooth and clean. The color mood is blue and white. Background applied the drop shadow effect to create a pop-up feeling. Besides, an interesting interaction is applied when users drag the image to the drop place, which has some rotation on it. The place for drop image has applied hover effect on it. After completing the uploading, the line animation moves down its position until fully disappears. The box decreases its height as well. Flowchar...