Case studies Interactive Design

Web interaction - NOMADIC TRIBE

This website had nominated for the best web design in 2019. Nomadic Tribe was designed by makemepulse, a production studio from France. It included illustration, interaction, animated storytelling experience and nice soundtrack with four sections.

Users will experience a fantastic journey that tells an interesting story using 3D graphics with beautiful animated transitions. It requires experience with sound on.

The purpose of this experience is to tell the audience to learn enjoying the natural beauty around the world. Slow down your steps to feel the fresh air, leaves swaying in the wind. Besides, improve yourself in this new year.

The link: 


In the beginning, users need to click enter button which will be shown on the screen for entering 
next section.

Users will bring to this section and get to experience the first animated transition coming from both left-right to the eyepoint view. By clicking the start button, the storytelling experience begins.

Users are allowed to clicking the mouse everywhere on the grass floor to experience flowers coming up. Storytelling included too.

After that, users get into the second section, experience the waterfall sound and whisper of leaves with ancient words of rocks. Users need to click somewhere for changing the color of diamonds. 

In the third section, which is the most interesting part, users experience nice flute sound and animated motion of birds fly with water moving. Users must be holding the mouse down to experience the birds fly at speed.  

Coming to the last part, the experience for users is the same as the first section with different storytelling.

End experiencing.

Interactive installation - Studio Play| The Cleveland Museum of Art

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Studio Play is an assortment of establishments pointed toward giving space to kids and families visit the museum. This installation set up in 2016. They use cutting-edge technology for giving families the experience to use body movement play around. Reveal and Zoom is an enormous 4k video wall that allowed the audiences to move their bodies for painting artworks. 

The studio comprises 4 sections: Pottery Wheel, Collage Maker, Portrait Maker and Paint Play. The establishments utilize a combination of time-of-flight depth cameras, custom C++ software programming and ongoing illustrations for letting the users experience conventional creative strategies, in a fun and gesture-based way. Users may save manifestations by sharing them on the exhibition hall's Tumblr site.

A section, Pottery Wheel used a totally new way to deal with cooperation in an exhibition hall setting. Users need to make sure they stand in front of the real wheel when sculpting the pottery in 3D space.

Paint Play used a custom hand-following way to deal with the paint stroke onto a virtual material to investigate the experience of activity paint.

Collage Maker for users to play around and learn the art. In the Portrait Maker section, users take a selfie by a machine placing there. Then, the photo will display on a big screen, users are allowed to draw out their portrait at a standing screen machine in front of them. 

                                Virtual Reality Experience - Eschelon board game

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Eschelon is a virtual reality board game where multiple players are allowed to join. This board game released in 2017. Players can construct decks of creatures and start fighting battles. The game is generally a traditional board game but mixed with virtual reality which ensures the player experience a totally different environment and feeling. This digital board game is allowed to play at everywhere regardless of the spaces you have.

In the beginning, players use cards to spawn animated creatures then the battle can begin.

Player's view in playing the board game. Unlike traditional board games where players have to imagine the action of their creatures and the battle carried out as well. However, the Eschelon board game brings players into a deeper experience with seeing the characters have their battle just like online games but mixed with reality. This makes players more enjoy the process of playing the game. At the same time, players learn to interact with computers.

Seeing through these media, I learn that it is essential to integrate design and experience together. Take the first case study as an example, Nomadic Tribe, this web design included sound, illustration, voice reading and the transition effect applied as well which given the full experience for users to go through.

Besides, the interactive exhibition, Studio Play also makes users experience the advancement of technology. Users get to experience with their senses. I particularly like the way this exhibition lets users interact with others by moving their bodies. It's a lot more fun.

For the VR board game, Eschelon, I love how the designer integrates traditional board game with digital. This experience makes it a lot more fun compared to conventional board games.

