Researching topics - Week 1

In this project, we must use our imagination to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. What I want to learn about is AR interaction and fabrication. My preferred category is engaging, which is defined as capturing attention, instilling joy, and conveying meaning. 

I had considered other topics before which is a category in connecting. But, I found out I was not able to come up with any idea so I change to another topic. 

For the first week, I've been struggling to come up with project ideas. Because I have the freedom to choose a theme as my topic, I look for a lot of references to help me brainstorm.

Researches Sprint Deck

 There are 3 proposals from several of the case study. 

  • Case study 1 - Trapped in Light

  • Case study 2 - Seed Plant

  • Case study 3 - 电影周历Movie Week Calendar

First Proposal

Case study 1 - Trapped in Light

Vision and beauty are provided by light, but they can also cause light pollution.

We created an interactive lighting device with three scenes—a city, a suburban field, and a beach—and invited viewers to step inside. Viewers can see the neon-created nighttime scenes when the light is on. Glimmering lights can be seen around the light-polluted animals and plants when the lights are turned off. It arouses the viewer's curiosity and introduces the idea of light pollution through an immersive experience.

Idea 1: Pollutions

The world's population is estimated to be 7.9 billion as of 2022, and by 2050, it will likely be 9.7 billion. Given the amount of waste that the world's population produces every day, the pollution situation will only get worse in the ensuing years. 

Idea Proposal

My first idea is to raise community awareness about pollution, which not only harms humans but also has a negative impact on the overall aesthetics of the environment. My rough plan is to construct a crafted city out of any of the fabrication materials available ( paper, plastic, wood, crochet, and so on), Use AR interaction to view the polluted city.

Second Proposal

Case study 2 - Seed Plant

DIY crafted with given seeds that the user must plant inside the provided container. A community planting project that promotes trees and forests for the future of our planet and human life.

Idea 2: Saves the Trees/Plants

More trees are being burned in forest fires today than they were 20 years ago, which indicates that forest fires are spreading more widely. Another case study shows that forests have lost 4.7 million hectares annually since 2010 on average. Deforestation rates were, however, noticeably higher. Malaysia lost an estimated 1,920,000 hectares, or 8.6%, of its forest cover between 1990 and 2010. (4,700,000 acres).

Idea Proposal

Forests are so important for humans and also animals. We depend on forests for shelter, water, food, and so on. My second idea is to use storytelling to raise community awareness about promoting environmental sustainability. Besides, communities will be more aware of the consequences that bring to animals through storytelling. My rough plan is to construct a crafted environment with seeds, a watering can, and gardening tools. There will have 3 stories with characters that require users to help them by planting the seed for them so they get their shelter and food. Through this interaction, it is able to promote a green environment.  

A video about Deforestation

Third Proposal

Case study 3 - 电影周历Movie Week Calendar

A product that enables users to view movie posters and choose one by scanning the QR code will display the movie's information. The product's purpose is to relieve user stress by promoting the idea of enjoying a good movie.

Idea 3: Window Travel

Travel in a way that is enjoyable for everyone, memorable for the places you visit, and sustainable from an economic, social, and environmental standpoint. However, the pandemic had caused travel to be restricted, and most people had no choice but to stay at their own places.    

Idea Proposal

Introducing another way to travel using AR feature, a product that visualizes the culture, and also better understanding of the locals.


The researches following the first week were in the wrong direction. I neglected to mention the effect on human life. Thus, I looked up the details again and double-checked that I was on the right track.

References - Ideas Research

Idea 1

Lycett, K. (n.d.). Lanterns : Kate Lycett. [online] Kate Lycett. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

Mainepublished, S. (2014). This edible zen garden really rocks. [online] Creative Bloq. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

Odin Parker. (n.d.). Felt Toys. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

W, H. (2021). Trapped in Lights 關於光 — 視覺互動體驗裝置. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2022].

Idea 2

Afiq Bin Roznan F19B0004 (2021). Deforestation in Malaysia (2021) - Short Documentary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

designboom (n.d.). Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

imperialdyson (2021). Imperial Dyson School on Instagram: ‘Our next project in the DE4 ERO series “Lessons by Suzzi” is a brand of educational toys that accompany children through lessons on social and environmental topics. A combination of physical and digital play through augmented reality (AR) brings stories and games to life. #sustainability #education #lessons #toys #AR #augmentedreality #desummershow’. [online] Instagram. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022]. (n.d.). Porta Carte block notes. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].

National Geographic (2017). Climate 101: Deforestation | National Geographic. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2022].

Idea 3

baekssicaL (2022). Daily Vlog.58|| Unboxing Vlog | 拆箱日记 | 言仓文创2023年电影周历_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Dec. 2022].


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