Hand Up Do good Project Proposal - Week 7


Project Category

I choose the sixth category for the assignments which is optimizing: making daily activities more efficient.

Project Background

Our human brains can store a maximum amount of memory. Therefore, we rely on taking notes down in case we forgot. This task seems so simple for normal people to do, we normally send messages in our own chat on our phone or take notes in a digital notepad. Similarly, most blind people have the habit of taking notes too.

They use audio recording as a result to keep track of these tasks and plans. However, they experience inconvenience from the phone recording because they will record the voice instructions if they use their phone at the same time. In addition, the audio files are arranged in an absolute mess without labels. Besides, there are more steps for them to click the recording they want.

Because they need to go to work every day, they always bring their essentials—white canes, work bags, wallets, and keys—along with them. None of these can be overlooked.

Additionally, they have daily tasks to complete and plans of action to follow in any situation. All of these make heavy use of the brain's memory and memorization abilities.

Project Purpose

My project aims to build a wearable device with a voice recorder and playback capability. They can take notes on any occasion using a wearable device with just a few easy steps.

The idea is to make taking notes easier for them on a daily basis. The notes are well organized according to different braille label buttons, just like they have the habit of putting things in specific places or containers.

Additionally, it aims to reduce the extensive use of memory in the brain.

The device is easier to reach compared to a smartphone.

Target Audience

-totally blind communities

-totally blind workers

-aged 25 - 50

Concept & Idea

Main Design Proposal

More user-friendly design for wearing

A holder string design

  • A holder hanging around the hand while also wearing around the neck.


-When they use the toilet, and worry of the device will drop off

-When they feel hanging around the hand is more comfortable and convenient for them.


Instruction on the device

Users can confirm how to use the device each time they use it because the instructions are designed to be easily accessible.

Buttons with printed Braille 

Users can confirm the categories of notes they are taking by touching the printed Braille and starting the record.

Wearable device 

Two ways of wearing the device, either wearing around the neck or hand. That’s a holder for adjustment when wearing around the hand.


The device is designed to have a speaker so the user can instantly record and playback on the same device.

Measurement of the wearable device

Overall size 
With: 2cm
Length: 5cm

Button size
diameter: 1cm
height: 0.5cm

Scenario Examples

Intended Media Used
  • Arduino Nano

  • Arduino ISD1820 audio record and playback

  • Arduino Amplifier LM396 for small audio amplifier  

  • Arduino ESP32 Bluetooth 

  • Charged wires

  • Blender software for modeling

  • Cura software for 3d printing 

  • 3d printing machine

  • String

  • A rubber holder adjustment for adjust string length (made with rubber)

  • Braille words such as meeting notes, phone numbers, action plan, and item placed.

Braille Font

I found this Braille translator website. I will use it in my further research of Braille words. Besides, reconfirmed it by asking my users.

More Execution Researches 

References List

        More Case Study Research

Good Recorder. (2021). Best 3 Voice Recorders for The Blind or Visually Impaired. [online] Available at: https://goodrecorder.com/voice-recorders-for-the-blind-or-visually-impaired/ [Accessed 19 Dec. 2022].

Hurtaud, F. (2014). Hibu. [online] www.behance.net. Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/14085969/Hibu [Accessed 18 Dec. 2022].

Mistry, N. (2019). Get inspired by Adam Miklosi’s detailed conceptual sketches! - Yanko Design. [online] www.yankodesign.com. Available at: https://www.yankodesign.com/2019/08/30/get-inspired-by-adam-miklosis-detailed-conceptual-sketches/ [Accessed 25 Dec. 2022].

            Valerie, T. (2019). MEMIO - Memory Book for the Blind. [online] www.behance.net. Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/89043341/MEMIO-Memory-Book-for-the-Blind [Accessed 18 Dec. 2022].

The following researches use for references as execution planning.

Braille Learner

Brailletranslator.org. (2019). Braille Translator. [online] Available at: https://www.brailletranslator.org/ [Accessed 24 Dec. 2022].

Everyday Sight. (2018). Beginner’s Guide to Braille. [online] Available at: https://www.everydaysight.com/beginners-guide-to-braille/.

In One Lesson (2011). Grade 2 Braille [1/7] - How to Memorize 50 of the 64 Braille Cells. [online] www.youtube.com. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9hUmlXyabk [Accessed 28 Dec. 2022].

The research use for investigating Braille. 

       Technical Researches

Arduino Forum. (2021). Bluetooth Voice recorder. [online] Available at: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/bluetooth-voice-recorder/693101 [Accessed 23 Dec. 2022].

Arduino Project Hub. (n.d.). DIY Auto Voice Record and Playback. [online] Available at: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/gadgetprogrammers/diy-auto-voice-record-and-playback-7a47d7 [Accessed 23 Dec. 2022].

·       Electronic Clinic (2020). Arduino ISD1820 Voice Recorder for Car Accident, Security system and Offices. [online] www.youtube.com.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTY-NrZg-EI&t=63s [Accessed 3 Dec. 2022].

The research are for technical solving problem and implementation.

3d printing Researches

3D Now (2018). Cura 3D Slicer For Beginners! In Depth TutorialYouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUNTlb5pEWA [Accessed 17 Feb. 2021].

3D Now (2020). [Updated] The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Cura Slicer! [online] www.youtube.com. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_wDwySm2YQ [Accessed 23 Dec. 2022].

The researches are for 3d printing while in the modeling stage before start print. 


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